Friday 6 December 2013

Meet the team
Meet the team

   It's always nice to know who are you reading and writing your emails to :) Here at Almond Vocational Link we are not just a "one man band", we have a very dedicated team, making sure everything is running smoothly. Let us introduce ourselves to you..

Janet Wonnacott
Managing Director

Janet has worked with European Lifelong Learning Programmes since 2004 and she is very passionate about maintaining high standards of service in finding quality work placements and accommodation for students and creating a positive experience for them.
Janet named her Company Almond, as the Almond flower is the first flower to appear in Spring to signify a "new beginning". Janet wants students who come through the organisation to have a good experience, which will give them life-changing opportunities.
Almond Vocational Link has had a prestigious Partnership project approved under the Lifelong Learning Programme in 2009 and also gained many partners under the LLP in Mobility both for students in Initial Vocational Training as well as for People in the Labour market. The Company has also been involved with VETPRO projects  and had a great experience as a co-ordinator of the Grundtvig project. Janet formed many close relationships with partners from abroad that have brought students to us year after year. 


Petra Nesbit
 Senior Administrator

After 12 years working as Office Manager, PA to the MD and Secretary to the Management Team in a software house in Germany, she came to Plymouth on the 18th May 2003. During her first 18 months she was working together with Janet Wonnacott as Office Manager on EU-funded projects. Petra then moved on to a training company here in Plymouth, working as Administrator, responsible for student affairs. On the 23rd September  2013, she joined Almond Vocational Link Ltd as Senior Administrator.


Kamila Bielawska
     Marketing and Design
Kamila joined the team on 24th September 2013 and took on a role of Marketing and Design Coordinator. After over 7 years of working and managing within the hospitality trade, she gained great experience in event organizing, marketing, customer service and designing promotional materials. Kamila also works for a local Media Company where she writes content, manages social media for small businesses, helps to create banner adverts.


Valentina Pelle
     Marketing Assistant
Valentina is one of the Italian participants to the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme and she is undertaking a work experience placement as a Marketing Assistant for our company. Valentina took her Master Degree in Foreign Languages for International Communication in English and French at the University of Turin and after a work experience as Business Developer for an Italian company, she decided to improve her English language skills. She currently deals with the promotion of Almond Vocational Link in Europe as potential partner.

Scott Grenney 
    Website Developer
Scott has been designing websites for a number of years for a wide range of small businesses. Scott works with the Almond Vocational Link’s team to help support Almond Vocational Link's web development. Scott also works in helping promote Plymouth wherever possible and runs his own Media Company.

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